What is the Commuter Engagement Experience?
Penn State Mont Alto piloted the Commuter Engagement Experience (CEE) in 2019 to build community and increase commuter student engagement among first-year students. CEE provides a small cohort of commuter students the opportunity (at no cost) to fully immerse themselves in the campus community during welcome weekend by providing them the opportunity to stay on campus. Students move onto campus on Friday morning and move out Monday morning, the first day of classes. During the highly successful welcome weekend, the CEE students receive their required first-year seminar course credit integrated within the Welcome Week Kick-Off activities.
Why Join the Commuter Engagement Experience (CEE)?
This is a unique opportunity to join an inclusive learning community!
The largest group of students attending Penn State Mont Alto are commuters, yet many commuters struggle with getting involved and feeling like a part of the campus community. The Commuter Engagement Experience is the perfect opportunity to take advantage of the required activities of Welcome Weekend Kick-Off while living on campus and earn your First-Year Seminar (PSU-8) credit requirement. The better question to ask yourself when considering the CEE is, WHY NOT?
During CEE, you’ll meet other commuters, be assigned a student mentor and a faculty mentor and most importantly – you will meet other students and get truly connected to the Penn State Mont Alto campus community!
In addition (upon successful completion of the course), CEE students receive the following program incentives:
- FREE Room & Board during Welcome Weekend
- Stocked residence hall fridge with snacks to fuel those late-night munchies during Welcome Weekend
- $125 book voucher to offset the costs of textbooks (upon successful completion of the course)
- $25 gift card for gas to encourage campus involvement during the academic year (upon successful completion of the course)
- $10 trip voucher to attend an off-campus event with the campus life office (upon successful completion of the course)
- $25 in LionCash added to the Penn State ID+ for on campus meals and snacks between classes (upon successful completion of the course)
Who is Eligible for the Commuter Engagement Experience?
Students who are entering the University for the first time are given priority for consideration based on the following criteria:
- Pennsylvania commuter residents
- First generation college students and/or those who are in an underrepresented population
- Students who are planning to enroll in one of the 4-year programs at Penn State Mont Alto
NOTE: Students who do not meet the above criteria may be considered for enrollment if spots are available and should still apply
Application Process
- Students may express interest in the program anytime between April 27 – August 1 by completing the form below.
- The Academic Support Center Director will review the interest form and reach out to you via your Penn State email.
- The applications will be reviewed in the order in which they are received. Eligible students will be accepted on a first-come first-serve basis.
- Application Deadline is July 31.
If spots are still available after the July 31 application deadline, students who do not meet the specified selection criteria will be considered.
Accepted students will be notified via Penn State email on or before August 2.
Draft Schedule for 2020:
Friday, August 21
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon: Arrival and Move-In
1:30 p.m.: First-Year Seminar Kick-Off
5:30 p.m.: Faculty Mentor Dinner
7:00 p.m.: Welcome Weekend Activities
Overnight Stay in the Residence Hall
Saturday, August 22
8:00 a.m.: First-Year Seminar
9:30 a.m.: Welcome Weekend Kick-Off
3:00 p.m.: First-Year Seminar
4:00 p.m.: Welcome Weekend Activities
Overnight Stay in the Residence Hall
Sunday, August 23
11:30 a.m.: First-Year Seminar
12:00 Noon: Welcome Weekend Activities
4:30 p.m.: First-Year Seminar Concludes
7:00 p.m.: Welcome Weekend Activities
Overnight Stay in the Residence Hall
Monday, August 24
Fall 2020 Semester & Classes Officially Begin
8:00 a.m.: Move-Out Meeting
9:00 a.m. – 12 Noon: Move-Out
12:20 p.m.: Commuter Engagement Experience Closing Meeting