Angela N. Hissong
DED, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education, The Pennsylvania State University
BS, Biology, Shippensburg University
MED, Education, Shippensburg University
BS, Occupational Therapy, Virginia Commonwealth University
Courses Taught
- OT100S Structural Foundations in Occupational Therapy
- OT210W Clinical Reasoning & Documentation in Occupational Therapy
- OTA Community Outreach & Service Learning
Faculty Scholarly Activities
- Carson, N., Colucci, C., Corsilles-Sy, C., Hissong, A., Nardella, M. & Simmons, D. (2018). Importance of Intraprofessional Education and OT Curricula. AOTA Commission on Education.
- Coker-Bolt, P., Gupta, I., Hartman, K., Hissong, A., Kern, S., & McLaughlin-Gray, J. (2015). Importance of Interprofessional Education and OT Curricula. AOTA Commission on Education.
- Hissong, A., Lape, J. and Bailey, D. (2015). Research for the Health Professional. Philadelphia: FA Davis.
- Hissong, A. & Lape, J. (2015). Research for the Health Professional Study Guide. Philadelphia: FA Davis.
- Hissong, A. & Hammond, O. (2015). Penn State Mont Alto Occupational Therapy Assistant Program Manual in Costa, D. The Essential Guide to Occupational Therapy Fieldwork, 2nd ed. Bethesda: AOTA Press.
- Hissong, A. (2017). Invited. Plenary Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association: Mindful Collaboration in OT Practice: Embody. Facilitate. Nurture. Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Conference: State College, PA.
- Hissong, A. (2017). Invited: Mindful Collaboration in OT Practice: Making our Work-life Balance with our Everyday Existence. New York-New Jersey Fieldwork Educators Day. New York, NY.
Research Interests
Holistic methods of teaching and working in occupational therapy, both integrative and intuitive.Rural occupations and how the engagement in them affect individual ways of being, doing, and becoming. Mindfulness as a teaching tool that engages students in mindful collaboration within the education & practice of occupational therapy.
Importance of Collaborative Occupational Therapist-Occupational Therapy Assistant Intraprofessional Education in Occupational Therapy Curricula, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy - August 30, 2018
OT Corner: The Essential Professional Triad: Passion, Nurturance & Advocacy - December 27, 2017
Occupational Therapy in Community Based Practice Settings, 2nd Edition - June 7, 2017
Occupational Therapy & the Cumberland Valley Women's Conference 2017 , Record Herald - June 1, 2017
Appendix C: The Pennsylvania State University Mont Alto Associate in Science in Occupational Therapy Program Guide & Fieldwork Manual - January (1st Quarter/Winter) 1, 2016
Importance of Interprofessional Education in Occupational Therapy Curricula, The American Journal of Occupational Therapy - August 30, 2015
Research for the Health Professional: A Practical Guide - November 21, 2014
Research for the Health Professional: Instructor's Guide - November 21, 2014
A Feminist Poststructuralist Narrative Inquiry of Mother's Negotiating Care of Self in a Rural Environment, International Conference of Education, Research & Innovation - November 14, 2011
Responding to Psychosoical Barriers in OT , Occupational Therapy and Home Modification: Promoting Safety & Supporting Participation - November 10, 2011
Occupational Therapy in the Promotion of Health and Wellness - January (1st Quarter/Winter) 1, 2011
Assistive Technology post Injury on the Farm, AgrAbility for Pennsylvanians - Occupational Therapy Column - December, 2010
Women, take time to care for yourself, Progressive Dairyman - December 11, 2010
Occupational Therapy in Chile, AgrAbility for Pennsylvanians - Occupational Therapy Column - August, 2010
Shoveling 101: How to Maximize Efficiency of Body & Task, AgrAbility for Pennsylvanians - Occupational Therapy Column - April (2nd Quarter/Spring), 2010
Feminist Philosophy: A Beginning Point for Adult Educators promoting Women's Wellness Education, Pennsylvania Association for Adult & Continuing Education - January (1st Quarter/Winter), 2010
D ED, Lifelong Learning and Adult Education, The Pennsylvania State University
BS, Biology, Shippensburg University
MED, Education, Shippensburg University
BS, Occupational Therapy, Medical College of Virginia