Associate Teaching Professor, Associate Occupational Therapy Assistant Program
Allied Health Building, 303
Penn State Mont Alto | 1 Campus Drive | Mont Alto, PA 17237
Olivia W. Hammond
Graduate Certificate in Hand and Upper Quarter Rehabilitation, Drexel University, 2005
M.B.A., Mount St. Mary’s University, 2003
B.S., Occupational Therapy Elizabethtown College, 1997
Courses Taught
- OT 216 Occupational Therapy for Physical Health & Rehabilitation
- OT 207 Assistive Technologies and Methods of Adaptation
- OT 395A/B Fieldwork Level II Experience
- OT 295E Fieldwork Level I Experience
- OT 195E Fieldwork Level I Experience
Faculty Scholarly Activities
- Hammond, O. W. (October 2019). Invited. Faculty-Guided Fieldwork Level I Experiences: Cultivating Peer Mentorship & Mindful Occupation-Based Practice. Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association. King of Prussia, PA.
- Hammond, O. W. (October 2019). Invited. Fieldwork Level II Experiences: Developing the Intentional Relationship. American Occupational Therapy Association. Las Vegas, NV.
- Hammond, O. W. (November 2018). Cultivating the Contemporary Mindful Relationship - Educator & Student. Fieldwork Educators Education Seminar.
- Hammond, O. (Presenter & Author). (May 2018). Embracing the Golden Years. Annual Forestry Alumni Conference.
- Hammond, O. W. (May 2018). Students with Service Dogs. Annual Allied Health Meeting. State College, PA.
- Hammond, O. W. (April 2018). Consumer Protection Standards. OTA Program Advisory Board Meeting. Mont Alto, PA.
- Hammond, O. W. (Presenter & Author). (March 2018). Invited. The Teaching-Learning Process of Student to Practitioner Transition: Ability-Based Assessment of Professional Behaviors. PAACE Conference. State College, PA.
- Hammond, O. W. (October 2017). History & Current Trends in Therapeutic Modalities for the Upper Extremity. Cumberland Valley Women's Conference.
- Hammond, O. W. (Co-Presenter), & Bruno, D. A. (Summit Health). (November 2016). Unraveling the Shoulder. Fieldwork Educators Education Seminar.
- Hammond, O. W. (October 2015). Ergonomics: Preventing Workstation Strain Injuries. Mont Alto Staff Senate. Mont Alto, PA.
- Hammond, O. W. (Presenter & Author), & Angela, H. (November 2014). Invited. Developing Community-Based Psychosocial Fieldwork Level I Experiences. POTA Conference, King of Prussia PA. peer-reviewed/refereed.
Other, Drexel University
MBA, Mount Saint Mary's University
BS, Occupational Therapy, Elizabethtown College