MONT ALTO, Pa. — Penn State Mont Alto Chancellor Francis K. Achampong will serve as chair of Penn State’s Academic Leadership Council (ALC) from July 2022 to July 2023. The ALC functions under the authority of the University president and provides advice and counsel to both the president and the executive vice president and provost.
In his role as chair, Achampong will work with the provost to prepare and facilitate ALC meetings and attend Penn State Board of Trustee and University Faculty Senate meetings. Achampong served as ALC chair-elect during the 2021-22 academic year and served on the University’s Facilities Resources Committee and the Facilities and Academic Units Naming Committee in that capacity. As ALC chair, he will continue to serve on these committees.
“I was very flattered and humbled to be elected by my ALC colleagues to this role. I look forward to serving in any way the provost sees fit,” said Achampong, who has served as chancellor of the Mont Alto campus since 2013.
The committee meets at least once a month to discuss academic and administrative matters of importance to the colleges, campuses, and administrative units of the University. It’s membership is broad and includes the president, senior vice president and chief of staff, executive vice president and provost, vice provosts, senior vice president for research, senior vice president for finance and business/treasurer, vice president and dean for undergraduate education, vice president for Commonwealth Campuses and executive chancellor, vice president for student affairs, vice president for information technology and chief information officer, associate vice president for affirmative action, deans, university faculty senate chair and Penn State campus chancellors.
In addition to his ALC responsibilities, Achampong serves on the University Faculty Senate’s Faculty Rights and Responsibilities Committee, the University Access Committee and the Council of Campus Chancellors.
Prior to being named Penn State Mont Alto chancellor, Achampong served as chancellor at Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus from 2010-2013 and as the Mont Alto campus’ chief academic officer from 2002-2010.
I was very flattered and humbled to be elected by my ALC colleagues to this role. I look forward to serving in any way the provost sees fit.—Francis K. Achampong , chancellor, Penn State Mont Alto