MONT ALTO, Pa. — Nick Jones, executive vice president and provost, and Madlyn Hanes, vice president for Commonwealth campuses, visited Penn State Mont Alto with a team of Penn State administrators on Jan. 19. The visit is the first of 19 campus visits planned by the provost throughout the spring term.
“I’m four for four,” said Jones during a session with the faculty. “I’m in my fourth year at Penn State and this is my fourth visit to Mont Alto. Every time I come here, I tell myself I must visit here during the summer. It must be beautiful.”
During their time on campus, Jones and Hanes shared current Penn State news, listened to concerns and answered questions with students, faculty, staff and administrators.
Some of the topics addressed were an update on the University’s Strategic Plan and upcoming campaign; lessons learned during the implementation of LionPATH, Penn State’s new student information system; and the future launch of WorkLion, a new human resource and payroll program. Jones also touched on the University’s budget, explained the reasoning for and impact of the Volunteer Retirement Plan (VRP), and described considerations for Penn State’s next capital plan.