Academic Festival Project Proposal


Project proposals are due March 21, 2025. 

Please provide your name as you want it to be listed in the program.
(In the event local newspapers might like to interview you)
Please provide names as your group members want them to be listed in the program.
The project title can be updated later if necessary.
Abstracts can be updated and will be printed in the Festival program.
Which United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) best apply to your project?
Answering this question automatically qualifies your project to be considered for the Sustainability Award. Please choose all that apply. This is optional. United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals can be found here:
Which best describes the format of your presentation?
Note that you may not present the same project in more than one format, but you may present multiple projects with different topics. Your mentor can help you determine the appropriate format.
A research-based project will focus on answering a specific question. Examples: Evaluating existing literature and drawing your own conclusions from the data; developing a hypothesis and testing it; etc.
An informational exhibit focuses on sharing existing information. Examples: Demonstrating equipment, tools, or procedures used for specific purposes in various occupations; creating a visual display on a topic of interest to you (person, place, historical event, etc.)
Which type of space do you prefer? Please choose an option that will best suit your finished project.
Tri-fold display and/or other material.
For a flat, vertical display.
For a presentation or performance.
You must notify your faculty mentor and an Academic Festival organizer if you change your space preference(s).
If you do not request this prior to the Academic Festival, the equipment you need may not be available the day of the Festival.

Project proposals are due by March 15, 2024