The Penn State Mont Alto Student Chorale will perform “Never a Brighter Star," Dec. 11 and 13.
MONT ALTO, Pa. ― The Penn State Mont Alto Student Chorale will perform “Never a Brighter Star" this December, during two holiday concerts under the direction of Frederick Davison, instructor in music, arts, and humanities. The music features a unique blend of traditional sacred and secular holiday choral favorites. The public is welcome to attend free of charge.
Two performances are scheduled:
- 1:30 p.m., Sunday, Dec.11, Greencastle Presbyterian Church, 57 West Baltimore Street, Greencastle, Pennsylvania. Complimentary Penn State Berkey Creamery ice cream will be served following the performance.
- 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, Dec. 13, Emmanuel Chapel, Penn State Mont Alto, 1 Campus Drive, Mont Alto, Pennsylvania.
The Chorale’s performances are made possible by the Miner Choir Endowment. Established in 2013 by Kathyrn Miner, the endowment provides the opportunity for students to perform on and off campus each semester and to host an Annual Spring Choral Festival on campus. The 2017 festival is scheduled for May 6 and begins at 6:30 p.m.
For information about the Penn State Mont Alto Student Chorale or its holiday concerts contact the Alumni Relations Office at 717-749-6105 or email [email protected].