At Penn State Mont Alto, the Forest Technology Program is guided by the following principles.
MISSION: To provide high-quality technical training in forest and natural resources management.
- Learn technical aspects of evaluating, managing, and protecting forest resources for multiple objectives across diverse ownerships.
- Develop competencies in field applications of classroom theory and current practices in forestry-related technical subject areas.
- Develop written and spoken communication skills, and interpersonal and leadership skills including a view of tolerance and ethics.
- Develop a broader perspective in education through general studies in the arts, humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and natural sciences.
- Gain employment in careers in forestry and conservation or continue their education.
- Utilize traditional field, lab, and computing skills, and understand emerging technologies for measuring, evaluating, and managing forest and natural resources to sustain ecosystems for multiple objectives.
- Understand fundamental concepts in the forest sciences as well as the human dimensions related to managing natural resources and be able to integrate interdisciplinary knowledge into decision-making.
- Communicate effectively with forestry professionals, landowners, and the general public through oral and written formats.
- Show ethical and professional behavior, respect, and tolerance for all in a diverse world and work environment.
- Demonstrate leadership and interpersonal skills.