Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are available from Environmental Health and Safety. To request an MSDS during normal working hours Monday through Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm, contact EH&S at (814) 865-6391 or by fax at (814) 863-7427. MSDS can be obtained on campus by contacting Police Services at (717) 749-6070. When requesting an MSDS please provide the chemical name, manufacturer of the product and the product number if available.
MSDS can be obtained via computer at Additional MSDS resources are listed as links on the EHS pages.
Publically accessible computers are available in room 313 Science Technology Building and room 101 General Studies Building. If you require assistance at any time to access MSDS or other related safety information, please contact the University Police.
Environmental Health and Safety (University Park)
Telephone: (814) 865-6391
Fax: (814) 863-7427
University Police (Penn State Mont Alto)
Telephone: (717) 749-6070
Fax: (717) 749-6115