Goal One
Goal Summary Name: Enhance Teaching, Learning, and Discovery
Goal Description: Advance the mission of Penn State Mont Alto in the areas of teaching, learning, and discovery by providing opportunities for professional development of faculty and staff, support services and enriching activities for students, enhancement of the campus portfolio of relevant programs (including, but not limited, to academic degree programs), and discovery including self-discovery in all campus constituencies.
Objective Name: 1.1
Objective: Faculty and staff will employ innovative or proven pedagogical techniques to deliver a high-quality teaching and learning experience for all Mont Alto students. (This aligns with UN SDG #4: Quality Education -Ensure Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education.
Start Date:
January 1, 2021
End Date:
June 30, 2025
Key Performance Indicators:
- Use of Canvas by all faculty for a consistent teaching/learning environment and current trends in high impact pedagogy (Zoom, Kaltura, OER, VR, active learning classrooms, etc.) through question added to SRTE
- Maintaining a diversity of offerings and engagement opportunities (EPR)
- Assessing the impact on student learning experience
Objective Mapping (done in a separate section):
- Foundation: F1 Enabling Access to Education
- Foundation: F2 Engaging Our Students
- Thematic Priority: TE2 Foster a curriculum that integrates…
- Thematic Priority: TE3 Support and empower our outstanding faculty and staff
- Thematic Priority: TE4 Prepare our students for success in their careers and in life
- Supporting Elements: NSE
Action Item:
1.1.1: Provide faculty and staff with opportunities for professional development related to teaching and learning
Action Item:
1.1.2: Provide student support services and widely disseminate information about these services
Action Item:
1.1.3: Enhance Academic Advising in light of UFS 39-00
Action Item:
1.1.4: Provide enriching activities (Honors, innovative teaching, flexible class scheduling, interdomain, active learning, and interdisciplinary experiential learning opportunities)
Objective Name: 1.2
Objective: As a campus, we will explore new and develop existing relevant academic, curricular, and co-curricular programs
Start Date:
January 1, 2021
End Date:
June 30, 2025
Key Performance Indicators:
- Number of new academic programs explored by Curricular Affairs and P&P tied to process
Objective Mapping (done in a separate section):
- Foundation: F2 Engaging Our Students
- Thematic Priority: TE4 Prepare our students for success in careers and in life
- Thematic Priority: TE5 Partner more effectively with pre-college educators
- Supporting Elements: OP2
- Establish processes for continual institutional assessment, improvement, and innovation.
Action Item:
1.2.1: Enhance campus portfolio of academic degree programs
Action Item:
1.2.2: Continue the academic focus in athletics (standalone) and the partnerships (ASC/Academic Coach)
Action Item:
1.2.3: Revise the campus First-Year Seminar with measured assessment data noting successful learning outcomes
Action Item:
1.2.4: Expose near-college-aged students to Penn State Mont Alto through the dual enrollment program
Action Item:
1.2.5: Explore and implement innovative complementary programs that are highly relevant
Objective Name: 1.3
Objective: We will provide a supportive environment – financial and/or time - for faculty, staff, and students in their scholarship and creative endeavors
Start Date:
January 1, 2021
End Date:
June 30, 2025
Key Performance Indicators:
- Tenure and/or promotion (tenure- and teaching-line faculty)
- Staff promotions/additions of responsibilities
- Presentations and leaderships opportunities for students
Objective Mapping (done in a separate section):
- Foundation: F2 Engaging Our Students
- Thematic Priority: TE1 Advance the frontiers of knowledge
- Thematic Priority: TE3 Support and empower our outstanding faculty and staff
- Thematic Priority: TE4 Prepare our students for success in their careers and in life
- Supporting Elements: NSE
Action Item:
1.3.1: Encourage and support faculty research (including pedagogical research)
Action Item:
1.3.2 Engage students in research activities
Action Item:
1.3.3: Provide opportunities for professional growth and leadership