Mont Alto LaunchBox logo
Those with an entrepreneurial spirit are invited to explore the world of business ownership through the eyes of those who have taken the chance and succeeded, thanks to an initiative by Penn State Mont Alto.
The free LaunchBox Entrepreneur Workshop Series kicks off Feb. 27 with “Why Not You? What it Takes to Launch Your Business.” Linsey Covert, CEO and founder of TEAMology LLC, will lead the program from 6 to 7 p.m. at the LaunchBox Business Studio, 40 N. Second St. in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
Covert’s company offers a first-of-its-kind customized, cloud-based platform to help build positive school climates while promoting social and emotional learning and school safety. An instructor in the Penn State College of Education, she successfully turned an idea into a thriving and meaningful business. Learn how, who helped and what it took to step into entrepreneurship.
RSVP at montalto.psu.edu/news/LB-workshops.
Providing some food for thought will be a LaunchBox Lunch & Learn program from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 19 at the Greater Chambersburg Chamber of Commerce, 100 Lincoln Way East, Suite A, in Chambersburg. Addressing funding opportunities will be Mike Ross, president of the Franklin County Area Development Corp., and John Sider, director of Second Stage Capital for Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central and Northern Pennsylvania. Sharing entrepreneurial tips will be Kristen Laidig, author, entrepreneur and owner of InterACT LLC, parent company to Chambersburg's Nerdvana Outpost; and Kathyrn Gratton, certified small-business mentor, and founder and chief strategic officer for Red Lips Mentor LLC. There is no cost to attend, but early registration is encouraged by emailing [email protected].
Venture back to the LaunchBox Business Studio on April 23 to delve into the Business One-Stop Shop’s offerings. From 6 to 7 p.m., representatives from the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development will discuss this state government office, which is equipped with information and resources for new and existing businesses through all stages of development.
The Mont Alto LaunchBox provides resources and support to entrepreneurs in a free, co-working space to help early-stage and more advanced startups build a sustainable business and a viable plan for growth. It is open to the Penn State community and the general public. LaunchBox is a signature program of Invent Penn State, an initiative meant to spur economic development, job creation and student career success. “Through the Mont Alto LaunchBox, Penn State Mont Alto hopes to provide leadership and serve as a catalyst for entrepreneurship and economic development in Franklin County,” said Francis K. Achampong, chancellor of Penn State Mont Alto, who directs the activities of the LaunchBox.
For more information, go to montalto.psu.edu/news/LB.