This policy will provide best practices and guidelines as it pertains to the installation and continued support of anti-virus software installed on all electronic devices (PCs, Laptops, PDAs) connected to the Penn State Mont Alto data network to ensure effective virus detection and prevention exists on all systems.
This policy applies to all research, departmental and Mont Alto campus lab computers that are PC-based or utilize PC-file directory sharing. This includes, but is not limited to, desktop computers, laptop computers, file/ftp/tftp/proxy/web/email servers, and any equipment connected to the campus data network.
Device – A computer, electronic tool or communication apparatus with the ability to connect to a data or communication network.
Mont Alto Data Network – The technology infrastructure, hardware, and software installed at the campus which is used to facilitate the flow of digital information between (but not limited to) personal computers, prints, servers, the Internet, etc.
All PC and Macintosh based computers within any Mont Alto campus facilities must have a reputable vendor’s anti-virus software installed, and scheduled to scan the system at regular intervals. In addition, the anti-virus software and the virus pattern files must be kept up-to-date.
Virus-infected computers must be removed from the network until they are verified as virus-free. The campus system administrators are responsible for creating procedures that ensure anti-virus software is run at regular intervals, and computers are verified as virus-free.
Any activities with the intention to create and/or distribute malicious programs in or on the Mont Alto campus data network (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses, e-mail bombs, etc.) are prohibited, in accordance with the campus Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
Public Computer Labs
- Computers located in a campus public computer lab are required to have a managed anti-virus solution installed.
- Virus definition updates must be configured to install automatically.
- The anti-virus software configuration and status may only be changed by computer administrator. Configuration changes by a system level user (limited user) is prohibited.
- Removal or disabling the anti-virus software by users other than approved ITS staff is prohibited.
Faculty and Staff (University Assigned Computers)
- PCs or laptop computer assigned to a campus employee are required to have a managed anti-virus solution installed.
- Virus definition updates must be configured to install automatically.
- The anti-virus software configuration and status may only be changed by computer administrator. Configuration changes by a system level user (limited user) is prohibited.
- Removal or disabling of anti-virus software by users other than approved ITS staff is prohibited.
Recommended processes to prevent virus problems:
- Always run either the current University site licensed anti-virus software, which is available from the “ITS Downloads” site or other reputable anti-virus software.
- Download and run the current version; download and install anti-virus software updates as they become available.
- NEVER open any files or macros attached to an email from an unknown, suspicious or untrustworthy source. Delete these attachments immediately. Empty the mail applications trash to be certain they are completely deleted.
- Delete spam, chain, and other junk email without forwarding. This is covered in the Penn State Mont Alto Technology Acceptable Use Policy.
- Never download files from unknown or suspicious sources.
- Avoid direct disk sharing with read/write access unless there is a significant business requirement to do so.
- Always scan any media (USB Stick, Portable Hard Drive) from an unknown source for viruses before using it.
- Back-up critical data and system configurations on a regular basis and store the data in a safe place.
- If anti-virus software conflicts with software, contact the Information Technology Service department for assistance.
Computers found to be in violation of this policy may be disconnected from the network until they are found to be in compliance or until a justifiable reason for not running current antivirus software is accepted.
AD20 - Computer and Network Security
PSU-MA-IT-004 Technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
PSU-MA-IT-008 Server Security Policy
Ratified June 5, 2009