Welcome to the Writing Center! We encourage all students, from a variety of disciplines, to visit the Writing Center, located in the Academic Support Center (GSB 101). We hope to see you (and your papers) soon!
How can the Writing Center help you?
The Writing Center offers help at all stages of the writing process: brainstorming, introduction paragraphs, rough drafts, revisions, and final edits. We can help with a variety of your writing concerns: grammar, sentence structure, paper organization, and citation formatting. Whether you have a creative paper, research essay, business report, or speech, we can help!
When is writing tutoring available?
The Writing Center is available for both scheduled and walk-in consultations. Remember, appointments fill up quickly as the semester progresses, so be sure to schedule ahead of time with a writing consultant. We look forward to seeing you. Please visit Starfish Resources to see when writing consultants are available for appointments.